Menart Fair's Panel Discussion: "The Artistic Scene in the Countries of the Near East, Paris - 15.Sep.2023

Menart Fair's Panel Discussion: "The Artistic Scene in the Countries of the Near East," which took place on Friday 15th September at 4 pm at the Hemicycle, Palais d'Iéna Paris,  in collaboration with the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Art Historian and Curator Nathalie Bondil moderated the discussion, and the speakers were Lebanese Gallerist Saleh Barakat, Ibrahimi Collection Founder Hasanain and Maha Al-Ibrahimy, Syrian Artist Mohamad Omran, and Scholar and Anthropologist Marion Slitine. We spoke about our initiatives and activities at the Ibrahimi Collection, including documenting, publishing, and promoting Iraqi Fine Arts. The discussion was in both French and English.

Palais d'Iéna, the head office of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council, usually holds the Republic’s third constitutional assembly at The Hemicycle.