Ibrahim Al-Abdali's Solo eExhibition, Orfali Gallery, Amman - 25.Jun.2018

Ibrahim Al-Abdali born 1940

Ibrahim Abdali' is an artist with works which reflects his concerns with form and content. Visuals treated in impressionistic touches with contemporary effects. He is particularly concerned with light and shade in his paintings, especially portraits. All in his work reflects his classical realist professionalism. The content of his topics range from social and political to everyday life topics.He has B.A in Painting Fine Arts Academy, Baghdad.1955 and in 1980 he recieved a M.A Graphic design, Manchester Polytechnic, U.K. From  1966 – 1971 he Taught at Jadda, Taif, and Dammam Saudi Arabia. then from 1980 – 1991 he taught at the Institute of Fine Arts, Engineering College (Architecture Department), and Academy of Fine Arts Baghdad. from 1994 Onwards Lecture on Art at University of Petra – Amman.