1934 He was born in the city of Hilla in the Babylon Governorate in Middle Iraq and the cradle of the capital of Mesopotamia.
1957 He completed his studies at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad, obtained a diploma in fine arts, and became acquainted with Arabic calligraphy as he was taught by the calligrapher Majid Al-Zuhdi.
1957-1961 He was employed in Hillah as a drawing teacher and continued this work for four years.
1962 He traveled on a mission to Italy to complete his studies in Graphic art.
1966 He received three degrees in the art of Graphic Art, including (engraving, drawing, and lithography, from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, and he was one of the first students, so he won the gold medal,
1966 He returned to Iraq to work as a teacher of Graphic Art at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad and then in the same year participated in the Berlin Graphic Exhibition.
1969 He held his first solo exhibition in the hall of the National Museum of Modern Art in Baghdad.
He worked as a Graphic Art professor, then taught Colors at the Institute of Fine Arts and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad until his retirement in the mid-nineties.
1971 He participated in the Contemporary Iraqi Art Exhibition in the Media Club.
1972 He participated in the Wasiti Festival in Baghdad and the first Arab Biennale fair.
1973 He participated in the comprehensive Iraqi Art Exhibition in Baghdad.
1976 He participated in the itinerant Iraqi art exhibition, which toured Paris, London, Tunisia, Sweden and Norway, Denmark, and Damascus, and participated in the graphic art exhibition in Berlin.
1977 He participated in the Copenhagen International Exhibition and the Iraqi Art Exhibition in Cairo. He held his third solo exhibition at the Hall of the National Museum of Modern Art in Baghdad.
He held several solo exhibitions in the Al-Orfali Hall in Baghdad from 1985 to the mid-1990s.
1999 The artist passed away at the age of sixty-five.
He was a member of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Syndicate.
He was a member of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate.
He was a member of the Calligraphers Association.
He was a member of the Teachers Syndicate.
He was a member of the Iraqi Association of Photography.
He was a member of the Pioneers and the One Dimen
1934 ولد الفنان محمد علي شاكر في مدينة الحلة في محافظة بابل في العراق.
1957 أكمل دراسته في معهد الفنون الجميلة في بغداد وحصل على الدبلوم وأولع بالخط العربي وتعلمه على يد الخطاط ماجد الزهدي.
توظف في الحلة كمدرس فن الرسم واستمر في هذا العمل لأربع سنوات.
1962 سافر في بعثة الى ايطاليا لاكمال دراسته في فن الحفر الليثوغرافي في روما.
1966 نال ثلاث شهادات في فن الحفر والرسم والليثوغراف من ايطاليا من اكاديمية الفنون الجميلة في روما وكان من الاوائل وحصل على الميدالية الذهبية وبعدها رجع الى العراق ليعمل كمدرس لفن الرسم في معهد الفنون الجميلة في بغداد واشترك في معرض برلين للكرافيك.
1969 اقام اول معرض شخصي له على قاعة المتحف الوطني للفن الحديث في بغداد.
عمل كأستاذ الكرافيك ثم درّس اللون في معهد الفنون الجميلة وبعدها في أكاديمية الفنون الجميلة في بغداد الى حين تقاعده في منتصف التسعينات.
1971 اشترك في معرض الفن العراقي المعاصر في نادي الاعلام.
1972 اشترك في مهرجان الواسطي في بغداد ومعرض السنتين العربي الاول.
1973 اشترك في معرض الفن العراقي الشامل في بغداد.
1976 اشترك في معرض الفن العراقي المتجول والذي تنقل في باريس ولندن وتونس والسويد والنرويج. والدنمارك ودمشق واشترك في معرض فن الكرافيك في برلين.
1977 اشترك في معرض كوبنهاكن الدولي ومعرض الفن العراقي في القاهرة واقام ثالث معرض شخصي له على قاعة المتحف الوطني للفن الحديث في بغداد.
أقام عدة معارض شخصية في قاعة الاورفلي في بغداد منذ 1985 الى منتصف التسعينات.