1944 Born in the southern city of Amara, he was a painter and journalist.
He graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad.
He participated in various joint exhibitions held by the Iraqi Fine Artists Association and the Innovators Group.
He worked as a director in Iraqi newspapers and magazines before moving to Beirut to work as an activist in a Palestinian organization, where he remained until his death.
The circumstances and reasons for his suicide were somewhat shrouded in mystery. Some attributed it to political concerns, others to emotional and even financial factors. However, he was buried in Baghdad as a “martyr of the Palestinian resistance and armed struggle against the Zionist enemy.” He was not known as a poet until after his suicide when the Lebanese magazine “Mawaqif” published a poem by him entitled “The Rose of Victims,” which was the last thing he wrote.
April 24, 1972 Committed suicide at the age of twenty-eight by shooting himself in the head in Beirut, Lebanon.
- 1944 ولد في مدينة العمارة الجنوبية وكان رساماً وصحفياً.
- تخرج من معهد الفنون الجميلة في بغداد.
- اشترك في معارض جماعية مختلفة أقامتها جمعية الفنانين التشكيليين العراقيين وجماعة المجددين.
- عمِل فترة مخرجاً في الصحف والمجلات العراقية، ثم انتقل إلى بيروت وعمل في احدى المنظمات الفلسطينية وبقي هنالك لغاية مماته.
- أحيطت ظروف انتحاره وأسبابه بشيء من الغموض، إذ عزاه البعض إلى هموم سياسية، والبعض الآخر إلى عوامل عاطفية وحتى مالية، لكنه شيّع في بغداد باعتباره “شهيد المقاومة الفلسطينية النضال المسلح ضد العدو الصهيوني. لم يعرف كشاعر إلى بعد انتحاره، حين نشرت له مجلة “مواقف” اللبنانية قصيدة عنوانها "وردة الضحايا" هي آخر ما كتبه.
- 24 نيسان 1972 انتحر عن عمر يناهز الثمانية وعشرون بإطلاق النار على رأسه في بيروت.