Exhibition of "Arab Presences, Modern Art and Decolonization: Paris 1908-1988" at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

Arab Presences, Modern Art and Decolonization: Paris 1908-1988 opened last Friday, April 5, 2024, at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris and will be available till August 25, 2024. It features over 200 works from over 130 Arab artists, curated by Odile Burluraux, Morad Montazami, and Madeleine de Colnet.

Ibrahimi Collection has participated in this exhibition with twelve artworks by five Iraqi artists as follows:

1. Faik HASSAN (1914-1992): The Villagers, DD 1965

2. Jamil HAMOUDI (1924-2003): Eight Sketches

3. Shakir Hassan AL-SAID (1926-2004): Baghdad, DD 1960

4. Ala BASHIR (1939): Memoirs from Sabra Camp, DD 1982

5. Rafa NASIRI (1940-2013): Untitled, DD 1985