الأعمال الفنية 4
Self Portrait
Date of creation2: 
Ca. 1950s
Oil on Canvas
Ata Sabri
خاطرة وتعليق: 

The artist painted this work while studying at the Slade College of Fine Arts, University of London, from 1946 - 1950.

▪Published in the Book "Rafa Nasiri: Fifty Years between East and West" by May Muzaffar, Yr. 2019.

Arabic Title: 
بورتريه ذاتي
Arabic Artwork Commentary: 

رسم الفنّان هذه اللوحة أثناء دراسته في كلية (Slade School - London) في الفترة 1946 - 1950.

Arabic Medium: 
زيت على قماش